Distinguish Between Skill And Virtue On Zagzebskis

Document Type : مقاله مروری


Distinguish Between Skill And Virtue On Zagzebskis *Sadegh mirahmadi sarpiri ** mehdi dehbashi Abstract One of the most controversial question on virtue theory is the relation between virtue and skill. Skill like virtue are acquired excellences. Zagzebski is one of the pioneer of virtue epistemology that pay attentioned emong contemporary epistemologists. She try to experes an accurat account of pure virtue theory as involve all of things that are called virtue. One of the problems that explored is distinguish between skill and virtue.On zagzebski view virtues are distinct from skills. We have intellectual and moral virtues as well as intellectual and moral skills. Virtues and skills have numerous connection. Skills allowe to virtues person to be effective in action. But virtues are psychically prior to skills.


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