Subjectivism According to Heidegger's interpretation of the metaphysical foundation that begins from Plato and continues to Hegel and Nietzsche, Heidegger believes in the interpretation given by Kant and Husserl that he not only has a way beyond Plato's beginning and with Aristotle and the medieval period, as well as in the new period, continued with Cartesian thought, but Kant himself had a great deal in metaphysics of the subject. But the claim in this article is that Heidegger disregarded the distinction between metaphysical and transcendental tradition in the new philosophy for a consistent narrative of Kant and Husserl's philosophy.
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fathi, A. (2020). A reflection on Heidegger's critique of the subject's concept in Kant and Husserl'smetaphysics. Shinakht (A Persian Word Means Knowledge), 12(2), 207-228.
fathi, A. . "A reflection on Heidegger's critique of the subject's concept in Kant and Husserl'smetaphysics", Shinakht (A Persian Word Means Knowledge), 12, 2, 2020, 207-228.
fathi, A. (2020). 'A reflection on Heidegger's critique of the subject's concept in Kant and Husserl'smetaphysics', Shinakht (A Persian Word Means Knowledge), 12(2), pp. 207-228.
A. fathi, "A reflection on Heidegger's critique of the subject's concept in Kant and Husserl'smetaphysics," Shinakht (A Persian Word Means Knowledge), 12 2 (2020): 207-228,
fathi, A. A reflection on Heidegger's critique of the subject's concept in Kant and Husserl'smetaphysics. Shinakht (A Persian Word Means Knowledge), 2020; 12(2): 207-228.