Western Studies and Science Research Institute, Institute of Humanities and Culture
Jean Baudrillard (1929 – 2007) as one of the figures of the post-structuralist view, has a remarkable theoretical view concerning the real and social issues. In his view the real has a constructive side which is based on the linguistic system and it is knowable and explainable only in the semiotic system. Hence the centrality of sign in his system and reproduction of all concepts in its light. He tries to explain social, cultural, political and economic concepts in a capitalist society based on this theoretical framework, and stresses the shortcomings of older concepts in these explanations. In this paper I will evaluate the “sign value” as the principal concept in his analysis of the capitalist society in light of his semiotic critique of Marx’s concept of “exchange value”.
aleseyed, M. and Keikhaee, A. (2021). From marx`s Exchange-value to Baudrillard`s Sign-value. Shinakht (A Persian Word Means Knowledge), 14(1), 7-23. doi: 10.29252/kj.2021.213944.0
aleseyed, M. , and Keikhaee, A. . "From marx`s Exchange-value to Baudrillard`s Sign-value", Shinakht (A Persian Word Means Knowledge), 14, 1, 2021, 7-23. doi: 10.29252/kj.2021.213944.0
aleseyed, M., Keikhaee, A. (2021). 'From marx`s Exchange-value to Baudrillard`s Sign-value', Shinakht (A Persian Word Means Knowledge), 14(1), pp. 7-23. doi: 10.29252/kj.2021.213944.0
M. aleseyed and A. Keikhaee, "From marx`s Exchange-value to Baudrillard`s Sign-value," Shinakht (A Persian Word Means Knowledge), 14 1 (2021): 7-23, doi: 10.29252/kj.2021.213944.0
aleseyed, M., Keikhaee, A. From marx`s Exchange-value to Baudrillard`s Sign-value. Shinakht (A Persian Word Means Knowledge), 2021; 14(1): 7-23. doi: 10.29252/kj.2021.213944.0