The Existence of Motion and its Realization According to Allameh Tabataba’i

Document Type : Original Article





The issue of how motion is realized and exists externally, following Ibn Sina’s description of two types of motion, became one of the significant topics in Islamic philosophy. A group of philosophers, following Ibn Sina, advocated for the external existence of gradual motion (harakat-e tawassutiyyah). Mir Damad’s research led many philosophers to accept the external existence of absolute motion (harakat-e qatiyyah). Mulla Sadra, drawing from the principles of hikmat al-muta'aliyah (Transcendent Philosophy), emphasized the existence of absolute motion but did not provide a specific argument for its external existence. Allameh Tabataba'i is one of the philosophers who believed in the existence of both types of motion. What is important is that Allameh Tabataba'i, by using the principles of hikmat al-muta'aliyah, such as the primacy of existence (asalat al-wujud) and the gradation of reality in the very essence of existence, first proved the objective realization of something that represents a gradual transition from potentiality to actuality. In the next stage, through a precise explanation of the concept of motion, he demonstrated that motion, based on its dual aspects of fixity and fluidity, exists in reality with both types being included and consistent with the definition of motion.


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