BodyAwareness and its Relation to Architecture based of Aesthetics John Dewey *

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی




According to the ideas of Jon Dewey, the universal aesthetics of architecture is based on three elements of body-frame, environment, and experience for everyone. The fundamental question in this study was to define what the body is and how it is related to universal aesthetics. The body-frame element was studied with the statements of body awareness, sensory awareness, post-body, gender, body experience, body-object, and body-position and in relation to the universal aesthetics of architecture using an analytical-deductive method.
The boundaries of the body frame with the environment-nature was found to be variable. These boundaries take a changing, innovative, interactive and evolutionary form, like geometry, in accordance with the conditions of the environment, human biology, and interstitial conditions. Architecture is experienced in line with human ideal goals in the context of life as a "tool" and an "extension to the body". The paradigm of body and architecture in this experience is universal, prismatic, and aesthetic.


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