Reichenbach and the discovery/justification distinction

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 assistant professor, University of Isfahan

2 university of Isfahan


Hans Reichenbach is the first philosopher that as codified in the philosophy of science period contemporary to provide a distinction between context of discovery and context of justification. The separation of the philosophy of science from other fields of study and the denial of any logic for the discovery of its two main purposes has been the expression of this distinction. Responding to the claims of Otto Neurath and the leftists of the Vienna Circle, the German political structure of the 1930s, and the establishment of independent scientific philosophy, the motivations became for design the distinction by Reichenbach. After Reichenbach, there were different readings about this distinction. Some readings of this distinction does not match with the early viewpoint of Reichenbach. In order to explication and explanation the distinction between the two contexts, he refers to four duties, one of which is the particular field of "psychology" and tasks of "descriptive", "critical", and "advisory" belonging to epistemology. From Reichenbach's point of view, context of discovery collecting the task of psychology and context of justification is play a role merely at task of descriptive, tasks of critical and advisory outside of the scope of context of justification. The purpose of this research, examination and analysis is the distinction between context of discovery and context of justification which is proposed by Reichenbach, until from the way we can do correct analysis the earlier position of the distinction.


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