Criterion for evaluating the work of art according to Martin Heidegger, Based on the Essay “The Origin of the Work of Art”, Case S‌tudy: A Painting by Sohrab Sepehri

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Tarbiat Modares



In the essay “The Origin of the Work of Art”, Heidegger deals with the essence of art and the work of art with a philosophical approach. He believes that the proviso of the being of the work of art is conditioned by the ontological argument and in this situation, introduces it as the unfolding factor of the truth of exis‌tence. A truth that makes the unfolding possible even in the exis‌tence mys‌tification era. Therefore, when the work of art is able to ques‌tion the exis‌tence and release itself from the yoke of ontic and focus on the exis‌tence of ontic, then it provides the possibility of unfolding for itself. Yet, what can put the work of art in the position of ques‌tioning the exis‌tence and what is the criterion for evaluating the possibility of penetration to the circle of ontology by any work of art? A criterion that can be compared with any work of art and its ontological components can be surveyed from Heidegger’s point of view. In this article, we try to evaluate the painting of Van Gogh and a painting by Sohrab Sepehri using the criterion that we get based on The Origin of the Work of Art” – by Martin Heidegger, so that at leas‌t the dimensions of Heidegger’s opinion on the work of art would be discussed. 
