How the Universally and Naturally-Lived Experience Evolved into an Aesthetic Experience in John Dewey’s Thought

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


In a specific stage of his contemplation, John Dewey (1859-1952), the American pragmatist philosopher, concentrated on art and aesthetics which resulted in the book Art as Experience (1958 ). Analytical in form and romantic in content, the book relies on the simplest notions of living to present a perfect experience of aesthetics.
Being an experimentalist in offering the pragmatic foundations of his thought, Dewey employs experience as a key to open the gates of aesthetics to himself and to all others. As is manifest in the title of this well-known work, for Dewey art is an experience while beauty is an event whose platform is the most rudimentary, natural routine of life. This paper, while aiming to show how Dewey, in the scope of Art as Experience, laid the foundations of the most beautiful experiences of human being in nature, attempts to explain the development and transformation of art experience in his thought, expounding on the fact that how Dewey, as the philosopher of life, can be situated in the position of expressing art and aesthetic.

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