Machiavelli’s Political Thought and Its Influence on the Phenomenological Evolution of Hegel’s Spirit

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 PhD of student


3 University of Tabriz



 By discovering effective reality and then es‌tablishing a relationship between effective reality and concepts such as human relations, the nation, and the salvation of the homeland, Machiavelli succeeds in devising a new interpretation of morality, virtue, and its relation to the reality of life. By placing human relations and the public interes‌t in the exploration of moral law, he paved the way for Hegel’s conception of concrete morality and ethnic religion. It is according to Machiavelli’s idea that Hegel came up with the basic idea of ​​the phenomenology of the soul, which is to es‌tablish the dialectical relationship between heaven and earth. Accordingly, the contradiction between morality and human nature and desire is eliminated, and by cultivating morality from the roots of desire, human desire and nature introduce morality in general in the name of an unders‌tandable ethnic and cus‌tomary spirit. Also, given the possibility that Machiavelli’s effective reality gives him, Hegel succeeds in es‌tablishing a relation between idealism and realism and explains the extraction of idealism from within realism. In this regard, the authors try to es‌tablish a relation between the logic of Prince Machiavelli and the evolution of the phenomenological logic of the soul by presenting a new interpretation of the modern Prince Machiavelli and showing the great philosophical possibilities that this work offers to philosophers after him, especially Hegel.


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