Shinakht is a persian word which means knowledge.

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Department of Art Research, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Tehran West Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Nietzsche in an critical view believed that west world has problem and disorganized situation in culture, moral and criteria af good or bad and for him as a “ Future philosopher”, make this duty that as a culture critic criticize the moral concepts by the method of Genealogy , the method that emphasize on historical and natural origin af moral , so Nietzsche belieaves in just return correctively to pasts , and for traditions for releasing from difficulties and problems It means that you should find the difficulties of west . society in traditions that have root in it . Based on these Nietzsche`s critics, basically these point of view is focus on cultural and moral words .
He presents some topics by his own style, That challenges and trembles most of believes that west world still appereciate it. He insists that we can change the whos and whats of ourselves by changing the way of seeing and thinking . therfore Nietzsche insists that we should make question about af fa irs that . we count them as a evident member of traditions or common sense.
There we say that culture and the way of living are the reflection of our values, How we create these values, and how these values present and express our nece ssitous ways of our life.


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