The relationship of the subject and language and its impact on masculine and feminine discourses from Kristeva’s viewpoint”

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Kristeva’s subject in process theory may be assumed as a composition of two psychoanalysis and linguistic fields. There is no doubt Lacan’s psychoanalysis is visible in works of Kristeva as a methodological connection link. The primary writings of Julia Kristeva are based on Lacan’s perceptions (pre-mirror image and Oedipus complex). She provides these two phases as necessary conditions for achieving what she later expresses it as ‘subject in processes’. But unlike Lacan, Kristeva is always aware of social and historical aspects of subjectivity and here affected by Foucault and similar to Foucault she deems formation of subject in some consideration derived from history, society, and power. Likewise, Kristeva has been also influenced by Saussurean linguistics. It can be implied that the pattern of semiotic space of Kristeva has been formed from link among Lacan, Freud, and Saussurean semiotics. Her perception of the related semiotic and symbolic functions to social and psychological life is based on distinction made by Freud among pre-oedipal and oedipal motives. It can be said Kristeva considers semiotic realm as a maternal- feminine space (Chora). If a subject is placed a pre-oedipal semiotic action; in contrast, a symbolic subject is an oedipal system that has formed by rule of name of the father (nom du pére) of Lacan and these two form together the existing pole in ‘speaking subject’


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