Specter against ontology

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Spectrology against Ontology in Derrida’s » The Specters Of Marx « with reconstruction the concepts of philosophers Derrida expands of them .By using the concept of specter in the book » Specters of Marx « he presents a new reading of Marx and Marxism .Regardless of Derrida’s interpretation of Marx ، the concept of specter find essential . This article will shows how the spectrology confront with ontology and the metaphysics of presence . By expanding the realm of reality and time challenges the normal metaphysical interpretation of this . The spectrality of reality underlines the fact that the reality is not pre_determined، but it is always construction .The spectrality of the time challenges the liner course of the past _ present _ future .These are metaphysical concepts of time that are hindering the realization of the spectrality of time . In addition , the social and political emergence of spectrality provides also a new definition of political responsibility and action .This the political and responsibility and action is not concerned planed future , but spectral political responsibility and action always remain ongoing.


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