The Divine knowledge to The Extending Existence and other existents From point of view Mollasadra and Tabatabai

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


The problem of The Extending Existence is most important issue that Islamic philosophers attention to it for explaining of ontological system. MollaSadra with regard to principle of Exalted Theosophy like fundamental reality of existence and related of essence and allocation of making to existence and division of existent to Connective being and Independent being, can presented new comment from this axiom. According Mollasadra, Effusion unity – that it is Potential Extended Being- is a unity without essence and therefor the divine knowledge to Extended Being will be truth. On the other hand, since that on the mollasadra ‘s view the essences are existents consequi of existence, the divine knowledge to essences will be consequily and by accidently. This article try to indicate mollasadra’s difficulties , to propounding of tabatabai’s foundation indicate that he attention to these difficulties, to presenting a new view, attain to solve this problem and explain of divine knowledge. In this view Esences have epistemological position not Divine knowledge So divine knowledge belongs to determined being and the essences are in human s mind.


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