Sufi aspects of Avicenna’s Neoplatonic system of thought in ethics

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Tarbiat Modares University, Philosophy, Post-Doc

2 A philosophy professor at Tarbiat Modares University



Avicenna’s Neoplatonic system of ethics comprises three levels and Sufi ethics make up one of the levels. Avicenna presented Sufi ethical concepts in a manner that was prevailing in the intellectual structure of Sufism, as he had done with other aspects of his work on Sufism. To put it differently, Avicenna's elucidation on Sufi ethics is intricately linked to Sofia's intellectual system, implying that comprehension of the former necessitates an understanding of the latter. Avicenna's work concerning Sufi ethics is limited due to the paramount importance he placed on scientific ethics. Thus, additional written works presented in a similar thought pattern were leveraged to explain other aspects of his Sufi ethics, and Efforts were undertaken to elucidate Avicenna's succinct statements by providing extra elaborations from such texts. Furthermore, Avicenna's Sufi ethics briefly touches upon a broad spectrum of various ethical concepts suggested in Sufi texts. This essay focuses solely on the shared concepts of Neoplatonic ethics and Sufi ethics in this broad spectrum. This study will demonstrate that the origin of these ideas is Sufi ethical beliefs, despite acknowledging them, Avicenna did not perceive any contradiction between these concepts and his Neoplatonic ethical system.


Articles in Press, Corrected Proof
Available Online from 22 July 2023
  • Receive Date: 25 January 2023
  • Revise Date: 21 April 2023
  • Accept Date: 07 July 2023