Document Type : معرفی و نقد کتاب

  1. کاپلستون، فردریک، تاریخ فلسفه، جلد هفتم، ترجمه داریوش آشوری، تهران نتشارات سروش، 1375.
  2. Beach, Edward Allen, The Potencies Of God(s), New York,1994
  3. Beach, Edward Allen, Schellings Philosophy of Mythology:A Critical Analysis, A Dissertation to the Department of Religious Studies of Stanford University,1988
  4. Beiser, Frederick, The Fate of Reason: German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987
  5. Kwon, Sookyong, The Relationship between Mythology and Revelation in Schellings Last Philosophy, A Dissertation presented to the graduate school of Yale University, 2007
  6. Schelling, F. W. J. Historical-critical introduction to the philosophy of mythology, translated by Mason Richey, Markus Zisselsberger, New York,2007 B
  7. Schelling, F. W. J, THE Grounding of Positive Philosophy: the Berlin lectures, translated by Bruce Matthews, New York,2007 A
  8. Schelling, F. W. J, The Ages of the World, translated by Jason M. Wirth, New York,2000.
  9. Schelling, F. W. J, Philosophy and religion, translated by Klaus Ottmann, New York,2100.
  10. Schelling, F. W. J, Philosophical investigations into the essence of human freedom, translated by Jeff Love and Johannes Schmidt, New York 2006
  11. Schelling, F. W. J, Ideas for a philosophy of nature, translated by Errol E. Harris and Peter Heath, New York,1995
  12. Jürgen Habermas, "Das Absolute und die Geschichte: Von der Zwiespältigkeit in Schellings Denken" (Bonn: Ph.D. diss., Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms Universität, 1954)
  13. Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von. Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schellings sämmtliche Werke. Edited by Karl Friedrich A. Schelling. 14 vols. Stuttgart/Augsburg: J. G. Cotta'scher Verlag, 185661.