in Ibn Arabi's Mysticism Art is the Clearest Way for Knowledge of God

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


آموزش و پرورش شهر تهران


This research referred to showing the way in knowledge of God depending on Ibn Arabi's ideas in subject of art. Descriptive – analytic method has used in this research. The research states the place of knowledge, its kinds and levels, ways of knowledge of God in Ibn Arabi's ideas. The aim of research is explaining the way of art as the clearest way in knowledge of God and approach to God. The research after explaining art in Ibn Arabi's idea, expresses main subject of knowledge of God through self- knowledge and world as art of God. For gaining this aim the affected principles at art and being artist in Islamic civilization and mysticism is considered. Then the relationship between art and approach to God being studied and proved in Ibn Arabi's mysticism. Finally with considering the direct relationship between the degree of the approach to God and knowledge of God and also the idea of Ibn Arabi in subject of God's emergence in the world by art, it seems that the way of art is the clearest way to approach to God and knowledge of God.


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