The review of moral semantics in the view of Farabi

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Qom/Qom/ Member of faculty of Imam Khomeini Institute of Education and Research

2 researcher of Imam Khomeini Institute of Education and Research


Moral semantics is one of ethical issues discusses about Semantic analysis of moral conceptions and propositions. The difference is between linguistics and semantics, because Semantics is on another ontology and moral semantics is an ethical ontology that solves many of the problems of moral philosophy. Major issues in the moral semantics are the study of the concepts of subject, predicate, and concepts about morality such as perfection and happiness. This research intends to by review of ethical concepts in view Farabi conclude to Farabi's innovations. Farabi believes in the good moral meaning of the relationship between moral actions and the result. He with absolute good explanation, rejected ethical relativism and proved good moral realism. He believes about wisdom semantics in the special sense, of the virtue of a human understanding that discovers the best of things through the supreme knowledge. The term of the supreme knowledge is permanent knowledge, and knowledge of the essence is inescapable and knowledge by presence. Farabi by this wisdom explains nearness of god and the need of man to God, even in achieving ultimate perfection. He by the definition of wisdom in a new way explained the kind of moral reality, and the way to ultimate perfection in moral philosophy.


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