Faces of madness: Foucault to Ibn Habib Neyshaboory

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


gonbad kavoos


Ibn Habib Neyshaboory in self' book –that it is classified as sufi
literature- considers the kinds of madness. In this classification, never
madness isn't conceived as illness and it isn't the contrast with
rationality. A madman is a man who he chooses different style with
public life and refuses formal normal. At a conclusion, a madman is
representated as critic of society and politics. Madness is language of
outcasts and isolated persons. Therefore, it is irony and overturne
ethics-knowledge regime.Foucault, also, criticizes psychiatry' dividing
practices that constitutes reason-madness polarity and denies a
different ways of thinking. In view of Foucault, psychiatry is a
apparatus for social control and rejaction of singular subjects. In this
approach, Foucault's perpective becomes similar to Ibn Habib's.But,
Foucault, against Ibn Habib, avoids romantic or essentialist
interpretation about a innocent essence. Foucault considers refrence to
pre-modern discourses as a regressive approach. He pays attention to
madness concept because it make possible forms of informal politics:
ways of practicing power down to up and pass out of dividing
practices. It is beyond of good-bad or truth-false. But Ibn Habib, in
sufi discourse, constitutes madness language as hegemonic discourse
against philosophical discourse. This article make a comparison
between Foucault and Ibn Habib and it transfers superficial similarity
to discoursive difference.


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