Levinas and ethical attitude in new art

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی




The emphasis on content in “New Art”, made me review the dominant thoughts and ideas which had affected the canon according to the morals’ philosophy approach. Considering the relation of art and moralities, very strong and complicated connections and bonds exist which the contemporary aesthetics and the relation of art with human life with this regard could be extracted by relying on philosophers and theorists’ ideology, specifically the contemporary philosophers and theorists. Hereof, this survey tries to study the “New Art” based on the thoughts and ideology which had been presented by Levinas about morals’ philosophy. Levinas, a French- Lithuanian intellectual, whose ideas specifically in the realm of moralities are thought provoking and worth studying. This morality philosopher, declares that confronting with the “Other” is the alienation of “Phenomenology” and believes that this phenomenon is the end of subject’s Virility and championship. The researcher studied the art in the last few decades according to Levinas viewpoint and the moral aspect, and after the survey, she found out there is a connection between “learning audience” in the New Art and the “Other” by Levinas and herewith, this study aims to focus on the integration aspect of the “Other” in Levinas’ philosophy and the “New Art”.

Key Words:
Levinas, The Integration Aspect, Morality, Subject, Phenomenology, New Art.


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